+31 628272753 mail@yosara.com

Work takes up 32 to 40 hours a week for most people. And for a lot of people work takes a lot more hours of the week. Solo entrepreneurs or people working in certain positions in corporates know this better than anyone. In these positions, work should be rewarding and/or fulfilling. If you give that much of your life to it, you’ll love what you do.
Sometimes though, you might be working so many hours because you think or feel that there is just so much to do and so little time.
Or you think that you have to deliver very important work to the company and that just takes time.
Your friends and family miss out on you because there is always work. And you miss out on them.
Maybe the time has come to speak with someone that is unbiased. Work-life balance might be missing from your list of things to look at. You always say to yourself that time will come. Until you realize that it doesn’t.
Speaking with a professional coach about this makes you aware of the way you experience work and life. And that enables you to prioritize work and private life when due.
And in some cases re-connect with private life.

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