+31 628272753 mail@yosara.com

When helping people who came to you for support in dealing with things, we must always be our best self. If we are not, we would not be in a position to offer support.

Probably you know how to step into your supporting role before your conversation starts and by that leave your personal worries behind.

Once in that role, it seems like you access superpowers that enable you to do your job.

Your skills and talents are always there for you, it seems.

What if there was some extra that you can add to all that you already have to offer?

Some extra that allows you and the person you speak with to easily unlearn redundant patterns. And find new ones that fill the space that had appeared during the unlearning.

Life in itself renews us on a daily basis, how about renewing your learnings in offering support?
What if you know how to instantly connect with the other person’s topic? That sounds like a beneficial skill for everybody in the conversation. Once you know how to connect, you recognize patterns in thinking that allow for growth. Personal growth is ongoing for everybody. Every time you embark on a training or a course you explore your own patterns and conditions. And you update those where required. There is so much more in us than we consciously know.

How about starting the coming year with a dive in the deep and rise up from that depth refreshed and new every session? Needless to say that the interactive sessions will be facilitated via Zoom.

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