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Blogs about our vision on coaching and leading with integrity.

Coaching remotely

Coaching remotely

We see it frequently on Instagram and other social media channels. Digital nomads living the dream, travelling the world, enabled to do this due to their work being remote. The internet connection is everywhere, even in the most remote areas in the world there is the...

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Anxious feelings

Anxious feelings

What happens when you feel anxious? And what can you do when you feel anxious? Anxiousness is felt physically somehow. Maybe you lay awake at night, maybe you feel pressure in your chest or stomach for no reason.Unconsciously or consciously you worry. If we can...

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What is self confidence? We all know these people that burst with self confidence. They walk into any place like they own the place. They appear online or on tv as self assured and knowledgeable. Their smiles are appealing. Who does not want that same self confidence?...

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